Little Sara and Fairies

Little Sara and Fairies

This is a story about John and Jewel, a married couple who lived in London in the 18th century. They had two children, Sara and Tom, who were very sweet and obedient. John was a shoe seller who worked hard to provide for his family. He had a small workshop where he made shoes with the help of some workers.
One year, the winter was very harsh and cold. People did not go out much and did not buy shoes. John’s business became very dull and he did not have enough money to pay his workers or buy materials. He had to sell some of his furniture and clothes to feed his family. He felt very sad and hopeless.
Sara, his seven-year-old daughter, saw her father’s suffering and wanted to help him. She loved her father very much and admired his kindness and honesty. She prayed to God every night and asked him to help her father. She said, “Dear God, please help my father. He is a good man who works hard and loves us. Please send him some customers or some money so that he can make shoes again. Please make him happy and smile again. Amen.”
One night, three fairies were flying through the street. They were looking for someone who needed their help. They heard Sara’s prayer and decided to visit John’s workshop. They saw that it was dark and empty, with only a few old shoes left. They felt sorry for John and his family and wanted to do something for them.
They decided to use their magic to make some new shoes for John to sell. They worked all night, using their wands and their skills to create beautiful and comfortable shoes of different sizes, colors and styles. They filled the workshop with dozens of pairs of shoes, ready for customers.
The next morning, John woke up early and went to his workshop. He was shocked and amazed to see what had happened. He could not believe his eyes. He saw all the new shoes that he had not made. He wondered who had done this for him and why. He felt very grateful and happy.
He quickly took some of the shoes and went to the market to sell them. He found that many people were interested in buying his shoes. They liked the quality and the design of his shoes. They praised him for his work and paid him well. John sold all the shoes he had brought in a few hours.
He went back to his workshop and found more shoes waiting for him. He took them to the market again and sold them too. He repeated this for several days, until he had sold all the shoes that the fairies had made for him.
He earned a lot of money from selling the shoes. He was able to pay his workers, buy more materials, fix his workshop, buy back his furniture and clothes, and feed his family well. He was very happy and proud of himself.
He also thanked God for answering his daughter’s prayer and sending him this miracle. He did not know that it was the fairies who had helped him, but he felt their kindness and love.
Sara was also very happy to see her father smiling again. She hugged him and said, “I’m so glad you are happy again, father. I prayed for you every night.”
John kissed her forehead and said, “You are my angel, Sara. You have a pure heart and a strong faith. God heard your prayer and blessed us with this miracle.”
They hugged each other and thanked God together.
The fairies watched them from a distance and smiled. They were happy that they had helped John and his family. They flew away to look for another person who needed their help.
The end.

About The Author

Grace Wright

Grace Wright

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