The Rambo and The Angel Friend

This is a story about Rambo, the elephant who had no friends. Rambo was very lonely and sad. He lived in a big forest with many other animals, but none of them wanted to play with him. They thought he was too big and clumsy and boring. Rambo wished he had someone to talk to and share his feelings with.
One day, Rambo decided to pray to God for a friend. He said, “Dear God, please send me a friend who will love me and understand me. I don’t care who it is or what it looks like. I just want someone to be with me.” He closed his eyes and waited for a miracle.
Suddenly, he heard a soft voice in his ear. “Hello, Rambo. I’m here to be your friend.” Rambo opened his eyes and saw a beautiful angel standing next to him. She had long golden hair, white wings and a bright smile. She looked like a fairy tale come true.
Rambo was amazed and happy. He said, “Are you really my friend? Are you an answer to my prayer?” The angel nodded and said, “Yes, I am. God sent me to you because he heard your wish. He loves you very much and he wants you to be happy. I’m here to make you happy.”
Rambo felt a warm feeling in his heart. He said, “Thank you, God. Thank you, angel. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.” He hugged the angel and felt her soft feathers. The angel hugged him back and said, “You’re welcome, Rambo. You are a wonderful elephant and you deserve to have friends.”
From that day on, Rambo and the angel became inseparable. They did everything together. They explored the forest, played games, told stories and laughed a lot. Rambo felt like he had found his soulmate. The angel made him feel special and important.
One day, they heard a loud roar from the other side of the forest. It was the lion, the king of the jungle. He sounded very angry and in pain. Rambo and the angel decided to go and see what was wrong.
They found the lion lying on the ground, surrounded by other animals. He looked weak and sick. He had a big wound on his leg that was bleeding badly. He had been attacked by a hunter who had shot him with a poisoned arrow.
The other animals were scared and helpless. They didn’t know how to help the lion. They knew he was their leader and protector, but they also feared him because he was fierce and powerful. They didn’t dare to go near him or touch him.
Rambo felt sorry for the lion. He said to the angel, “Can we do something for him? Can you heal him?” The angel said, “I can try, but I need your help. You have to be brave and trust me.” Rambo said, “I trust you with all my heart.”
The angel told Rambo to lift the lion gently with his trunk and carry him to a nearby lake where there were some healing herbs growing on the shore. Rambo did as he was told. He lifted the lion carefully and walked slowly towards the lake.
The other animals were shocked and amazed by what they saw. They couldn’t believe that Rambo was brave enough to touch the lion and that the lion was calm enough to let him do it. They followed them curiously to see what would happen next.
At the lake, the angel picked some herbs and crushed them into a paste. She applied it on the lion’s wound and wrapped it with some leaves. She then whispered some words of prayer over him.
The lion felt a soothing sensation in his leg. He looked at the angel with gratitude and said, “Thank you for saving my life.” The angel smiled and said, “You’re welcome, your majesty.” She then introduced herself and Rambo to him.
The lion was surprised and impressed by their story. He said, “You are very kind and brave, both of you. I’m sorry I never noticed you before or treated you well.” He then apologized to all the other animals for being harsh and arrogant.
He said, “From now on, I will be a better king and a better friend to all of you.” He then invited Rambo and the angel to join him at his den where he offered them some food and water.
Rambo was overjoyed by this gesture of friendship from the lion. He said, “Thank you for accepting us as your friends.” The lion said, “No, thank you for being my friends.” They all smiled at each other.
That day marked a new beginning for Rambo and for everyone in the forest.

About The Author

Emma James

Emma James

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