The Princess and Pea

The Princess and the Pea

In the magnificent kingdom of Alzahra, a young prince named Zayn was seeking a true princess to marry. His mother, Queen Leila, was a wise and caring woman who wished for her son to find genuine love and happiness. To ensure that her son would marry a true princess, she devised a unique test for each of the candidates.
One evening, during a terrible storm, a mysterious girl named Amina arrived at the palace gates, claiming to be a princess. The palace guards brought her to the royal family, and Prince Zayn was instantly captivated by her beauty and grace.
Amina bowed before Queen Leila, saying, “Your Majesty, I have journeyed far and wide to meet your son, Prince Zayn. I believe we are destined to be together.”
Queen Leila, however, was not easily swayed. She decided to put Amina through the same test she had given all of the other candidates. “My dear, to prove that you are a true princess, you must sleep on a bed with a pea placed under a stack of mattresses. Should you feel the pea and sleep uncomfortably, we will know that you are indeed royalty.”
That night, Amina was led to a room with a tall bed, piled high with soft, luxurious mattresses. Unbeknownst to her, a single pea was placed under the bottom mattress.
The next morning, when Amina joined the royal family for breakfast, Queen Leila asked her, “How did you sleep, my dear?”
Amina hesitated, then replied, “Your Majesty, I must be honest. I could not sleep well, for I felt something hard beneath the mattresses, causing me great discomfort.”
Queen Leila and Prince Zayn exchanged glances, both surprised by Amina’s response.
Later, Prince Zayn approached Amina in the palace gardens, asking, “Amina, how did you truly know about the pea? Did someone tell you?”
Amina looked into Zayn’s eyes and replied sincerely, “No, my prince. I felt it with my own heart. I believe that true royalty is not just about fine clothes and titles, but about being truthful and sensitive to the world around us.”
Prince Zayn felt a warm feeling in his heart, and he knew that he had found his true princess. He shared his thoughts with his mother, who agreed that Amina had passed the test with grace and wisdom.
With Queen Leila’s blessing, Prince Zayn and Princess Amina were married in a grand celebration, surrounded by the joyous people of Alzahra. The couple ruled with kindness and love, and their kingdom flourished for many years, proving that honesty and a caring heart are the true marks of royalty.

About The Author

Megha Patel

Megha Patel

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