The Genie’s Treasure & The Adventure of Afreed and Laila

Afreed and Laila were best friends who loved adventure. They lived in a small village near a big jungle. One day, they heard a rumor that there was a hidden treasure in the jungle, guarded by a wise and powerful genie. The genie would only give the treasure to someone who was brave, kind and smart. No one in the village had ever seen the treasure or the genie, but Afreed and Laila were curious and decided to look for it.
They packed some snacks, water and a flashlight and set off into the jungle. They followed a narrow path that led them deeper and deeper into the forest. They saw many colorful birds, monkeys, snakes and insects along the way. They also heard strange noises that made them nervous, but they kept going.
After walking for a long time, they came across a large cave hidden behind some vines. They pushed the vines aside and saw a sign that said: “Beware of the genie. Enter at your own risk.” Afreed and Laila looked at each other and nodded. They were not afraid of the genie. They wanted to see the treasure.
They entered the cave and turned on their flashlight. The cave was dark and damp, with stalactites and stalagmites everywhere. They walked carefully, avoiding the sharp rocks. They soon reached a big chamber where they saw a huge pile of gold, jewels, coins and other precious things. It was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.
But before they could get closer, they heard a loud voice that echoed in the cave: “Who dares to disturb my treasure?” They looked up and saw a giant genie floating in the air. He had blue skin, long hair, a beard and a turban. He wore a red robe and held a golden lamp in his hand. He looked angry.
Afreed and Laila were startled but they did not run away. They stood their ground and said: “We are Afreed and Laila, from the village nearby. We came to see your treasure.”
The genie frowned and said: “You are very bold to come here. Do you know that this treasure belongs to me? I have been guarding it for centuries, waiting for someone who is worthy of it.”
Afreed and Laila asked: “What do you mean by worthy?”
The genie said: “To get this treasure, you have to pass three tests. You have to answer three questions that I will ask you. If you answer them correctly, you can have the treasure. But if you answer them wrong or fail to answer them at all, you will be trapped in this cave forever.”
Afreed and Laila gulped but they agreed to take the tests. They were confident that they could answer any question.
The genie said: “Very well then. Here is the first question: What is more precious than gold?”
Afreed and Laila thought hard. They knew that gold was very valuable but there must be something more precious than that.
Laila said: “I think friendship is more precious than gold.”
The genie nodded and said: “That is correct. Friendship is more precious than gold because it cannot be bought or sold. It can only be given or received. You have passed the first test.”
Afreed and Laila smiled and high-fived each other.
The genie said: “Here is the second question: What is stronger than steel?”
Afreed and Laila thought harder. They knew that steel was very strong but there must be something stronger than that.
Afreed said: “I think love is stronger than steel.”
The genie nodded again and said: “That is correct. Love is stronger than steel because it can overcome any obstacle or challenge. It can also heal any wound or pain. You have passed the second test.”
Afreed and Laila hugged each other.
The genie said: “Here is the third and final question: What is wiser than me?”
Afreed and Laila thought hardest. They knew that the genie was very wise but there must be something wiser than him.
Laila said: “I think you are wiser than yourself.”
The genie looked puzzled and said: “What do you mean by that?”
Laila said: “I mean that you are always learning from your experiences and mistakes. You are always growing and improving yourself. You are always wiser than you were before.”
The genie smiled and said: “That is very clever of you to say that. You are right. I am wiser than myself because I am always changing and evolving. You have passed the third test.”
Afreed and Laila cheered.
The genie said: “You have answered all my questions correctly. You are brave, kind and smart indeed. You are worthy of this treasure.”
The genie spells some words and suddenly a huge treasure box appeared in front of them, Afreed and Laila were overjoyed when they saw the treasure. It was a chest full of gold coins, jewels, and other precious items.
They thanked the genie for his generosity and asked him if he had any wishes of his own. The genie smiled and said that he had been lonely for a long time, and he wished to have some friends to talk to. Afreed and Laila felt sorry for the genie and offered to stay with him for a while.
They had a lot of fun chatting with the genie, who told them stories about his past adventures and the secrets of the jungle. They also learned that the genie was not really guarding the treasure, but he was trapped in the cave by a curse. He could only be freed if someone shared the treasure with him. Afreed and Laila decided to do that, and they gave half of the treasure to the genie. The genie was very grateful and happy, and he said that they had broken the curse.
He was free to leave the cave and explore the world. He invited Afreed and Laila to join him on his travels, and they agreed. They packed their bags and left the cave with the genie, ready for more adventures

About The Author

Lily Adams

Lily Adams

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