Abbas The Brave Farmer and The Magic Seed

Abbas The Brave Farmer and The Magic Seed

Abbas was a farmer in ancient Egypt who loved his land and his family. He was very brave and cunning, and he always found a way to overcome any challenge. He had a beautiful wife named Nefertari and two children, Amun and Isis. They lived happily in a small hut near the Nile river.
One day, a terrible drought struck the country. The crops withered and died, and the people had no food to eat. The king pharaoh was very worried and sad. He tried everything he could to help his people, but nothing worked. He felt like he had failed as a ruler.
The royal empire made an announcement: whoever could come up with the best idea to solve the food crisis would be rewarded with a place in the kingdom. Many people tried to think of a solution, but none of them were good enough.
Abbas decided to visit the king and offer his help. He had a plan that he thought might work. He asked the king for permission to borrow a camel and some supplies. He told the king that he would travel to the desert and look for a magic seed that could grow food in any condition.
The king was skeptical, but he admired Abbas’s courage and faith. He agreed to let him go on his quest. He wished him good luck and told him to be careful.
Abbas kissed his wife and children goodbye and set off on his camel. He rode for many days and nights, crossing sand dunes and rocky hills. He faced many dangers, such as snakes, scorpions, and bandits. But he never gave up hope.
Finally, he reached the edge of the desert, where he saw a small oasis. There was a palm tree with a single date hanging from it. Abbas climbed the tree and picked the date. As he did, he heard a voice say: “You have found the magic seed. Plant it in your land and it will grow food for you and your people.”
Abbas was overjoyed. He thanked the voice and hurried back to his camel. He rode as fast as he could back to his country.
When he arrived, he went straight to the king and showed him the magic seed. The king was amazed and curious. He asked Abbas to plant it in his garden and see what would happen.
Abbas did as he was told. He dug a hole in the ground and placed the seed inside. He covered it with soil and watered it. Then he waited.
To his surprise, the seed sprouted almost immediately. It grew into a tall plant with many branches and leaves. On each branch, there were different kinds of fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beans, etc.
The king and everyone who saw it were astonished and delighted. They praised Abbas for his wisdom and generosity. They harvested the food from the plant and shared it with everyone in the country.
Soon, every farm started to grow food by the effect of the magic seed. The people had enough to eat and were happy again. The king pharaoh was very grateful to Abbas for saving his people from starvation. He kept his promise and gave him a place in the kingdom.
Abbas moved into a beautiful palace with his wife and children. They lived happily ever after as friends of the king.
The end.

About The Author

Mia Rodriguez

Mia Rodriguez

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